
I’ve been involved in the piano industry for more than 25 years as a Piano Technician and have always had close involvement with retailing pianos over that time. So I have experience with quite a few brands, some very well known, some lesser known, some nice in some ways and some downright awful. This is not an uncommon experience in our industry.

It was after a bad experience with a brand I would rather forget that I found Wertheim pianos and John Martin’s fabulous marketing campaign. This was a fantastic opportunity, great quality pianos, great backup, wonderful marketing support and a dedication to ongoing improvements in design and build quality and lastly but by no means least, great dealer and customer support.

We have been involved with John and Wertheim pianos since November 2006 and if we were impressed then, we remain truly impressed now, even more so. The pianos have gradually been getting better, quality control remains first class. The pianos unpack beautifully and setup is very easy with minimal regulation and effortless tuning.

The newly Delwin Fandrich inspired design work of Wertheim WF series pianos are better than ever. Improved scale design, hammer design, soundboard and bridge design all add up to a high quality product that competes easily against all the usual contenders out there. Actually, considering tone quality alone would be enough, but with great dealer support, industry leading guarantees and competitive pricing makes Wertheim a hands down winner in our opinion.

We are thrilled to have this opportunity and will continue to delight our customers with these amazing pianos for as long as we’re in business.

‘Wertheim – Quality for a lifetime’

Graeme Harvey ARPT
163 Devon Street East
New Plymouth NZ